proyec1 uwu

I am cristobal, I´m 16 years old, I am a tall person, I am currently a student of cecyt 15, my hobbies are solving the rubik cube and doing illusionism, my dream is to be a neurosurgeon.
I like to always try new things no matter how rare or dangerous they are, I don't have favorite food.

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, incluido Cristobal Rojas, primer plano

My best friend, alex, is short and chubby, has long brown hair, has black eyes and a big nose, is a good listener and you can trust him with anything, he is fun and humble with his achievements, he is depressive but not always, I met him On the first day of school after the break, he asked me if I was the boy of the cubes, I said yes and that is the beginning of a great story.


#mybucketlist 1 travel to Russia 2 buy a NEW car 3 study medicine 4 leave home 5 be independent 6 to work 7 rent a house 8 To jump from a parachute 9 Travel all over Mexico 10 be a god men



Once pon a time, there were the three little pigs, the oldest built a house with shaw. The second one build with sticks. They finish quickly and start to sang and danced.The third pig worked hard all day and built a house with bricks. The big bad wolf saw three little pigs while were dancing and playing. "Thought what juicy tender meals they will make", he chased ran hid to first house and the wolf blew down. The pigs ran to the house mad of sticks and the wolf blew the house down. The pigs ran to third's pig house. The wolf tried to enter for chimney. They boiled pot of water and the wolf fell in to died. The little pigs built house with bricks and lived happily over ofter.


Rumor has it.
Knock on wood
Would you mind?
I mean it
Chill out 


- Take breaks
- Stay healthy
- Manage your time
- Have some fun
- Avoid distractions
- Be organised
- Find your purpose in life 
- Teamwork

Teamwork is important because a single person could do something ordinary, homewever together it can become something extraordinary. In addition to complementing very good ideas that when you are alone are only empty.


How many Harry Potter films are there?  Seven films.

What is the only word in English that finished with the letters -mt? Dreamt

Who wrote the teenage bestseller The Catcher in the Rye? J. D. Salinger

What are the colours of the Polish flag? White and Red

Who was the Ancient Greek messenger of the gods? Hermes

Which Apollo mission to the Moon nearly ended in disaster? Apolo 13

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded a computer company. Which one? Apple Inc.

How many dots are there on two dice? 42 dots

In American English, it's a "faucet". What is it in British English? Tap

Which American state produces the most oil? Texas

Which is the fifth planet from the sun in our solar system? Jupiter

Which philosopher wrote Cogito, ergo sum ( I think, therefore i am.)? Descartes

If it takes three people four days to build a wall, how long will it take one person? The wall was already built

What type of performer terrifies Johnny Depp? Jack Sparrow
Which country does the singer Lorde come from? New Zeland


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